We all can set a monthly budget, but can you also adjust your monthly budget? It is time for some reflection and adjustments in your budget. We do this to make the entire budgeting experience a good one without stress or feeling bad. The next month is approaching soon and we will reflect on our monthly budget.
Month: January 2023
How to deal with overspending
We all have those moments in time where we know we are overspending but are just not able to get a hold of ourselves. For starters we will never be able to never ever overspend but we can prepare.
FREE budgeting spreadsheet you need
Track your budget in this free budgeting tracker spreadsheet. This file is made to easily keep track of your spendings. I made it for myself when I moved out of the house to overview my finances. After a while many of my friends started using it and now already people from across the world.
The free budgeting spreadsheet
Are you looking for a new free budgeting spreadsheet that you can use to keep track of your finances? I have the excel file for you! I have created this sheet to help me with my day to day spendings and earnings. It keeps me accountable and makes me think of my spending behavior.